Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Studio staging

Today I got my studio in a good condition to work in.  I always feel overwhelmed in a space that is totally out of control where I can't find anything.  My brain gets seriously overstimulated because of all that it has to take in.  I am definitely not saying that I am an organized person because that would be a lie, but I like to see the floor.  As I cleaned up the studio that is in our third floor, I saw all the half finished pieces that I did.  I saw inspirational images that I love and pencils that were tired of sitting in the corner.  Right now my studio is not being used hardly at all and I want it to be a space that I am so acquainted with because I am in there all the time.  I want to be in that studio just as much as I am in the rest of my house! 

I don't know what my first piece will be, but I do know that I am dying to use my pencils.  Drawing is my first love and I feel like I need to use them for my sanity soon!  I don't want to use them for grocery lists, math problems, permission slips, writing in my calendar, or anything else rather than drawing!  What to draw?  This is where I get overwhelmed.  The blank piece of paper.  So daunting, yet it holds so many possibilities!  I feel like I should just start with some loose sketches and get warmed up.  Ok, so tomorrow I will commit to drawing in my sketchbook doing some quick sketches and maybe more.  That is a beginning anyway. 

It is so hard to ignore the dirty dishes, laundry, phone calls that need to be made, flowers that need to be watered, floors that need to be scrubbed, etc. all for the name of art.  This is what always holds me back.  I know that as soon as I pick up that pencil I am letting things go and that quickly leads to chaos with 3 boys, 2 cats, and a partridge in a pear tree.  I have decided that I just have to do it if I ever want to pursue an art career. 

I have been reading this book, "The Artist Guide" and it has been a really helpful book to read as I have been gearing up to diving into my art again.  The writer was also a mother and had to balance everything like I have to do and she really had to commit and ignore.  I have decided that that is what I have to do. 

The way I got inspired to make a blog is from the movie "Julie and Julia".  It was such a good movie and I thought that a blog was just the thing I needed to spur me along, just like Julie needed.  I hope I can keep up with the pace that I want to.  I am excited to think that if I do, I will have created 52 pieces of art in a year!  Now that is exciting! 

I am going to go to sleep now and as I lay my head on my pillow I am going to dream of holding my pencil and sketchbook.  What to draw?

1 comment:

  1. You are truly an artist not only with your hands but with your heart in the way that you communicate your thoughts. I could not be more proud of you! mom
