Friday, October 29, 2010

Costume Creating

So it was another week of sewing for me.  Two of my boys needed costumes so I was busy working on those.  I made a cherry pie... out of felt, that is, for my oldest son.  I also made an outfit for my youngest son.  He has a Japanese day coming up at his school where he is supposed to dress in a japanese outfit, so I thought I would double up and make his outfit for school and for trick or treating this weekend.  He decided on going with looking like Aang from the movie, "The Last Airbender".  It has a japanese warrior feel to it.  They were more than thrilled with there costumes as you can see by the pictures.  What a joy it is to make things for my children who can enjoy them so much!  Killian's japanese outfit was a lot of work from the shirt to the shoes, but it was worth all the work.  I even experimented with dying the linen fabric with tea for the trim on the shirt.  This was the first outfit I have ever made and it was challenging, but I really enjoyed doing it!  This week coming up it is back to fine art.  I am putting the sewing machine aside for the next few weeks and getting into my studio.


  1. Tara, I love your blog - especially the name! I am in the same position with my art but I'd love to get back into it. Entering work into the Arts Gala is one of my goals this time around. You're an inspiration, girl! I'm excited to see what else you come up with!

    Btw, I love the costumes and baby shower items! The posters are really cool too. Did you screenprint them?

    Jen Rodgers

  2. Thanks Jen! It is always a struggle to make art a priority, but I definitely think that making something for the arts gala is a great goal. I think that it helps to have a reason to make something... a goal. I hope I can do the same! I didn't screenprint the posters. I just cut out pieces of colored posters and glued them down, that's all. I can't wait to see what you are going to come up with!!
