Monday, November 1, 2010

The beginning of a chrysalis

I was inspired by the idea of a chrysalis which I am going to experiment with in my work.  I feel like I have been in this chrysalis all wrapped up and for the first time I am able to start peeling away the layers to see what has been formed inside.  I found this painting entitled, "chrysalis" done by an artist named, Rose Frantzen, and I think she is amazing!  Tonight I was painting on linen with coffee and adding a layer of watercolor pencil ontop.  I was happy with how it turned out so far.  Tomorrow I am going to add some color because it is neutral right now.  I have started to notice a trend in my work, and that is it is usually mostly neutral with color added as a secondary part.  I don't know why it keeps working out that way.  I think that is why every artist is different in their own way, because we have our own natural direction that our work takes us.  I felt alive in my studio today.  It is great to finally get started.  Getting started is the hardest part.  I am working on getting a handful of pieces to put in my friend's salon/gallery in November.  I have a goal that has to be reached soon so I must keep working towards it!! 

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