Thursday, November 11, 2010

Now number two is through!

I just finished my second piece today.  It is much larger than the first on and more detailed.  What I love about painting with coffee is that it is so random in the way that it chooses to bleed on the fabric, and you can change it with one squirt of a water bottle.  I like this piece way more than the first one.  I like the colors that are in this one and it is a little more dreamy than the first one and I always enjoy a dreamy quality.  I really busted my butt to get this one done.  I worked every single night on it and sometimes in the days.  I really forced myself when I was feeling too tired at night.  It always felt good to push through and I ended up making a lot of progress where I could have been sleeping, watching tv or serfing the net... that doesn't accomplish anything!  Now, I have two pieces of art that have been done in a week and it feels good!  This last piece was fun because I took a different approach to the way I did it.  Instead of drawing the base sketch out first, I had a general idea in my head and just started without any lines or real plan.  It just evolved as I went and it was very freeing to do it that way!  I wasn't tied to anything and felt no stress about what I was doing.  I am going to try and go about it that way for the next one again.  I think I want to do a series of small pieces of close ups of the cocoons.  We'll see how it goes.  I am planning on starting tomorrow.  I am running out of time!

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