Monday, November 22, 2010

Paving it's way

I feel exhausted.  I have been working almost every night for the past 3 weeks or so to produce some art for Downtown Betty's.  I haven't been feeling the best and I have really had to push through and force myself to sit down and work at night when I haven't been feeling like it.  I have really enjoyed painting them, but I am just tired.  I have been busy trying to get this house ready for my parents because they are coming in for Thanksgiving this week and there were soooo many home projects that we had put off doing, until these past few weeks.  Really bad timing for sure.  Also, Finn and Sully's birthdays have been in the mix as well... crazy times.  I have completed 3 new pieces, and I am working on the fourth one now.  I have 2 pieces that I had done this past year that I am adding to the collection.  That was my goal to have 4 new pieces and I can't believe that I have done it!  Well, not yet, but hopefully by the end of the day I will!!!  I still have to frame all of them and spray them with a UV-Resistant clear coating that will protect them from moisture and UV light rays.  I ordered new business cards which I am excited about and they were just shipped today!  Business cards have a way of making it feel oh so official.

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