Saturday, November 6, 2010

Piece number one... just done.

I have been working on my first piece for the salon and it has been SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!  I have been going throughout my day anxiously anticipating sitting down at my chair to work.  Once I got started it was the best!!  Starting is definitely the hardest part for me I am finding.  I am loving working with staining fabrics, drawing and transfer of paper onto fabric.  To me, this particular mix of media is endless with possibilities!  I have so much swirling in my head that I am ready to try.  I just finished the first piece last night and I am pleased with it.  I don't think I am going to post pictures until after the work is hung in the salon though.  I think it might ruin it for me.  I want to present it all together at the end.  I only have a few more weeks left and my goal is to have at least 3 more new pieces.  More than that would be great... we'll see. 

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